Women of Wolverhampton (WOW) work to improve gender equality,  and to enable women to take opportunities to participate in local regional and national decision making, increase women’s health and well- being.

Thursday Group (meets 10-1pm)

WOW facilitates sessions on a Thursday morning. Women have said that they valued the social, civic, creative, and cultural and the opportunities for friendship.
They thought the friendly environment is inclusive of a wide variety of women and said they felt “safe” and there was “no discrimination”.
One respondent said” Brings out the best in me” and another says “(We have) laughs”
During the pandemic WOW has provided support including phone calls, WhatsApp and Zoom communications. We have organised socially distanced walks in West Park.
Women have said in an evaluation during June 2021 that they believed that the activities which WOW had undertaken throughout the pandemic had been emotionally beneficial.
Most women felt that WOW had helped them to manage negative feelings and thoughts and increased their ability to cope with life during the pandemic.

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