Thank you for your interest in working at Newhampton Arts Centre
Newhampton Arts Centre is a busy and interesting place to work with a strong team ethos.
Current Vacancies:
We currently have no vacancies – Please check back here soon
Bar Staff:
We often have vacancies for bar staff to join our casuals’ list. If this is work you are interested in, contact us below for more details.
Board of Trustees:
The NAC is an independent registered charity and is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors (or trustees). They are drawn from various walks of life and backgrounds and all have an interest in the arts. We currently have vacancies on the board and would love to hear from you. Contact is below for more information.
The NAC depends on the invaluable support of the volunteers in our NACtivists’s group for fundraising, helping at events, practical support (eg decorating and gardening). Contact us below for more information.